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球員傷病同訓練討論 - 伊度又傷,需休息3 - 4星期


球員傷病同訓練討論 - 伊度又傷,需休息3 - 4星期 Empty 球員傷病同訓練討論 - 伊度又傷,需休息3 - 4星期

發表  球王08 周三 2月 11, 2009 8:22 am

Medical report of Wednesday, 20 of February

By official Web of the VCF the 21 of February, 2008

Alexis Ruano: Continuous fisioterápico treatment and work with physical preinn.

Fernando Morientes: Plantar Fascitis postraumática left. Fisioterápico treatment.

Miguel Brito: Muscular Contractura of the previous rectum of the left thigh. Fisioterápico treatment and work in field.

Carlos Marchena: Syndrome tail of astrágalo. It does not complete the training.

Rubé️n Baraja and Vicente Rodriguez: They train with the group.

Medical report of Thursday, 14 of February

By official Web of the VCF the 15 of February, 2008

Alexis Ruano: Continuous fisioterápico treatment and work in field.

Ruben Baraja: Breakage to fibrilar straight of 0,5 cm in biceps femoral. Fisioterápico treatment and work in field.

Vicente Rodriguez: Muscular overload adductive rights. Fisioterápico treatment and work in field.

Fernando Morientes: Plantar Fascitis postraumática left. Fisioterápico treatment.

Miguel Brito: Muscular Contractura of the previous rectum of the left thigh. Fisioterápico treatment.

Javier Arizmendi: Lumbalgia. It has not trained in last the 48 hours and fisioterápico treatment.

Nikola Zigic: Back-lumbalgia that it has prevented him to train. Fisioterápico treatment.


文章數 : 139
注冊日期 : 2009-02-10

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